R.I.P!!! Very nice 3x 1996 OTIS high-rise elevators @ Marmorgatan 11, Södermalm, Stockholm, Sweden.

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I loved these lifts, They were my favourites. in 2021 all 3 still ran great! But unfortunately the year 2022 came, and S:t Eriks hiss took control of them! So they started to be modernized in 2022 unfortunately! And it was sadly! these were my best lifts in Stockholm I rode. And in 2022 I managed to film all 3 originally, I was going to do a retake on them in July, then I saw the note and was so angry and sad when I saw that they were going to be modernized!

På svenska:
Jag älskade dessa hissar, de var mina favoriter,. 2021 gick alla 3 fortfarande fint! Men tyvärr kom året 2022, och S:t Eriks hiss tog över dem! Så de började moderniseras 2022 tyvärr! Vilket var synd! Det var mina bästa hissarna i Stockholm jag åkte. Och 2022 lyckades jag filma alla 3 ursprungligen, jag skulle göra ett retake på dem i juli, då såg jag lappen och blev så arg och ledsen när jag såg att de skulle moderniseras!


Intro: 0:00
Start: 0:03
Lift 1: 1:15
Lift 2: 5:25
Lift 3: [Not in this video | comming soon]
Elevator information!

Hiss / Lift 3:
Manufacturer: Graham Brothers?
Modernised by: (1) Otis, (2) S:t Eriks Hiss
Installation year:
Modernisation year: (1) 1996, (2) 2022
Type: Traction
Serial number: Unknow
Floors: 19 = '-1' *BV* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Hiss / Lift 2:
Manufacturer: Graham Brothers?
Modernised by: Otis
Installation year:
Modernisation year: 1996
Type: Traction
Serial number: Unknow
Floors: 19 = '-1' *BV* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Hiss / Lift 1:

Manufacturer: Graham Brothers?
Modernised by: Otis
Installation year:
Modernisation year: 1996
Type: Traction
Serial number: Unknow
Floors: 19 = '-1' *BV* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

'-1' = locked floors
*BV* = ground floor

Date of recording: 13-09-2022

#elevator #lift #otiselevator #otis #1996 #RIP #generic

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